Polyester Resin for spun yarn sizing (R - PVS -100)
Partial and full replacement of PVA, Acrylics, CMC & other binders.
High performance. Better Economics.
1 part Polyester Resin = 1.5 to 1.8 parts PVA.
1 part Polyester Resin = 1 to 1.5 parts of Acrylic.
Low viscosity size. Can be combined with PVA and Acrylic for Optimization of binder quality.
R-PVS-100 : 10% Solution
4mm BTRA Cup 50Ml Capacity : 5.03 sec
4 mm FORD Cup 110 ml Capacity : 11 sec
Benefits to the customer
- No changes required in desizing procedure. Easier desizing than PVA.
- Can be added directly to size mix like other binders with normal cooking procedure.
- Reduces 40% COD in effluent in comparison to PVA.
- 80% biodegradable in 28 days on adapted sludge.
- Generally pick up is reduced by 1 to 1.5 % when PVA is replaced by Polyester in 1.5 to 1 proportion.
- The Product has agglomeration tendency under high temperature and high load. Shake the bag, before use for free-flowing product.
- Non-compatible with Carboxyl Methyl Cellulose.